The Ultimate Guide to Printing and Mailing

How To Choose The Right Partner for Your Business

In today’s digital age, businesses still rely on physical mail for essential communications, such as bills and statements. This guide aims to provide valuable insights into the printing and mailing industry and assist you in selecting the right partner for your business needs. Whether you’re a large company or a growing enterprise, finding a reliable printing and mailing company is crucial for efficient and cost-effective operations.

Industry Overview

The printing and mailing industry encompasses a wide range of services, including printing, folding, inserting, addressing, sorting, and delivering various mail pieces. These services are vital for businesses that rely on traditional mail to send bills, statements, invoices, marketing materials, and more. Despite advancements in digital communication, physical mail remains essential for certain industries and customer preferences.

According to recent data, companies in the United States spent approximately $38.5 billion on direct mail advertising in 2021. This indicates that businesses continue to recognize the value of direct mail in reaching their target audiences and driving customer engagement. The number for bill printing and mailing is also in the billions.

Companies Using Printing and Mailing Services

Several industries rely heavily on printing and mailing services due to the nature of their business operations. These industries include:

  • Financial Institutions: Banks, credit unions, mortgage lenders, and investment firms often send monthly statements, account updates, and transaction reports to their customers.
  • Healthcare and Insurance: Medical facilities, hospitals, insurance companies, and pharmacies send bills, claims, policy information, and healthcare-related communications to patients and policyholders.
  • Utilities and Telecommunications: Energy providers, water companies, cable/satellite providers, and telecommunications companies generate and mail bills to their customers.
  • Government Agencies: Local, state, and federal government entities frequently use mail for tax statements, official notifications, and other government-related communications.
  • Educational Institutions: Schools, universities, and training centers often send tuition bills, enrollment information, grade reports, and other academic materials to students and parents.
  • Subscription Services: Companies offering subscription-based services, such as magazines, newspapers, and online platforms, rely on printing and mailing for subscription renewals and updates.

Common Printing & Mailing Services

Printing and mailing companies like EF SureBill offer a range of services tailored to meet specific business requirements. These services may include:

Here are some common types of printing and mailing jobs that businesses may require:

Bill and Statement Printing: Printing and mailing bills and statements to customers on a regular basis, including invoices, utility bills, credit card statements, and financial statements.

Direct Mail Campaigns: Designing, printing, and mailing promotional materials such as postcards, brochures, flyers, catalogs, and newsletters to a targeted audience for marketing and advertising purposes.

Transactional Printing: Printing and mailing transaction-related documents, such as purchase orders, receipts, shipping labels, invoices, and confirmations.

Variable Data Printing: Customizing printed materials with personalized information, such as customer names, addresses, and specific offers, to create personalized marketing campaigns or individualized communications.

Catalog and Magazine Printing: Printing and mailing catalogs, magazines, and publications for businesses in various industries, including retail, fashion, publishing, and more.

Statement Processing: Handling the entire statement process, including data management, formatting, printing, inserting into envelopes, and mailing statements to customers.

Print-on-Demand: Providing on-demand printing services for small print runs or individualized items, such as personalized letters, certificates, and event tickets.

Addressing and Sorting Services: Preparing mailings by sorting and addressing envelopes using automation technologies to meet postal requirements and achieve cost savings.

Statement Archiving: Providing secure storage and retrieval of electronic or physical copies of statements and other important documents for record-keeping purposes.

Return Mail Management: Handling returned mail by updating customer databases, managing address corrections, and ensuring accurate delivery of future mailings.

Other types of printing include:

  • Digital Printing: High-quality, variable-data printing that allows customization of each mail piece.
  • Offset Printing: Ideal for large print runs, providing cost-effective options for bulk mailings.
  • Envelope Printing: Customized printing on envelopes to enhance branding and mail piece appearance.
  • Document Design: Professional design and layout services to create visually appealing bills and statements.
  • Data Processing: Efficient handling, formatting, and cleansing of customer data for accurate mailings.
  • Folding, Inserting, and Sealing: Automated processes that ensure secure and efficient mail piece assembly.
  • Addressing and Barcoding: Accurate addressing and barcoding services to comply with postal regulations.
  • Postage Optimization: Expert guidance to minimize postage costs through presorting and bulk mail discounts.
  • Mail Tracking: Real-time tracking and reporting of mailings to ensure timely delivery and accountability.
  • Electronic Document Presentment: Options for electronic delivery of bills and statements, complementing physical mail.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Printing and Mailing

Several factors contribute to the costs incurred by companies for printing and mailing bills. These include:

  1. Volume: The volume of bills and statements sent plays a significant role in determining expenses. Higher volumes generally lead to economies of scale, resulting in lower costs per piece.
  2. Complexity: The complexity of the billing documents, such as the number of pages, color requirements, and customization, can impact expenses. More complex bills may involve additional printing and processing steps.
  3. Postage Rates: Postal rates can influence overall expenses. It is essential to consider postage costs when evaluating printing and mailing budgets, as rates can vary based on factors such as mail class, size, weight, and presorting.
  4. Technology and Automation: Investments in advanced printing and mailing technologies, such as digital printing, automated document assembly, and addressing systems, can enhance efficiency and potentially reduce costs over time.
  5. Service Provider Selection: The choice of a printing and mailing partner can affect expenses. Companies that offer competitive pricing, efficient workflows, and value-added services can help optimize costs and provide a better return on investment.

Why Your Printer Should Also Be Your Mailer

Collaborating with a printing and mailing company that offers both printing and mailing services provides numerous advantages for your business. Here are some reasons why your mailer should also be your printer:

  • Seamless Integration: Working with a single provider for both printing and mailing streamlines the entire process. By eliminating the need to coordinate with separate entities, you can save time, reduce errors, and enhance overall efficiency.
  • Cost Savings: Consolidating printing and mailing services with one provider often leads to cost savings. You can negotiate better pricing packages, benefit from economies of scale, and reduce expenses associated with multiple vendors.
  • Improved Communication: When your mailer is also your printer, there is a direct line of communication between the two processes. This facilitates smooth collaboration, enables quick adjustments, and minimizes the risk of miscommunication or delays.
  • Brand Consistency: A consistent brand image is vital for customer recognition and trust. When your printing and mailing are handled by the same company, they can ensure brand consistency in terms of design, colors, logos, and overall aesthetics.
  • Data Integrity: When printing and mailing are integrated, there is less chance of data discrepancies or errors during the transfer of information. This enhances data integrity and minimizes the risk of sending incorrect or mismatched documents.

What Separates Good and Bad Printing and Mailing Companies?

To distinguish between good and bad printing and mailing companies, consider the following factors:

  • Reliability: A good company consistently meets deadlines, ensures accurate mailings, and maintains a high level of quality throughout the printing and mailing process.
  • Communication: Good companies have open lines of communication, promptly address your concerns or questions, and keep you informed about the progress of your projects.
  • Technology and Innovation: Leading companies stay updated with the latest printing technologies, invest in automation, and leverage innovative solutions to optimize efficiency and enhance service offerings.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Good companies offer flexible options for customization, allowing you to tailor your mailings to meet specific branding or customer requirements.
  • Compliance and Security: Good printing and mailing companies prioritize data security and comply with relevant privacy regulations. They have robust systems in place to protect sensitive customer information and ensure confidentiality throughout the printing and mailing process.
  • Scalability: A good company has the capacity to handle large volumes of printing and mailing without compromising quality or turnaround time. They can adapt to your business’s growth and accommodate increased mailing requirements as your needs evolve.
  • Value-added Services: Exceptional companies go beyond basic printing and mailing services. They may offer additional value-added services such as data analytics, mail tracking, return mail management, or electronic document presentment to enhance the overall mailing experience and provide actionable insights.
  • Proactive Problem-Solving: Good companies take a proactive approach to identify and address potential issues before they arise. They have contingency plans in place to mitigate risks and ensure uninterrupted mail delivery.
  • Reputation and References: Research the company’s reputation within the industry and seek references or testimonials from their clients. Positive feedback and a solid track record are indicators of a good printing and mailing company.

How to Choose the Right Partner for Your Business

Selecting the right printing and mailing partner requires careful consideration. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Assess Your Business Needs: Determine your specific requirements in terms of printing volume, mailing frequency, customization options, and additional services. This will help you identify a company that can meet your unique needs.
  • Evaluate Experience and Expertise: Look for a printing and mailing company with a proven track record and experience in handling projects similar to yours. Consider their industry knowledge, technological capabilities, and ability to adapt to changing requirements.
  • Request Samples and References: Ask for samples of their previous work to assess the quality of their printing and mailing services. Additionally, request references from clients in your industry to gain insights into their reliability and customer satisfaction.
  • Review Security Measures: Ensure that the company has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive customer data during printing and mailing. Inquire about their compliance with relevant privacy regulations.
  • Consider Technology and Innovation: Choose a company that invests in advanced printing technologies, automation, and innovative solutions to improve efficiency and offer value-added services.
  • Evaluate Customer Support: Assess the level of customer support provided by the company. Determine if they offer a dedicated account manager or point of contact who can address your concerns and provide timely assistance.
  • Transparency and Pricing: Seek transparency in their pricing structure and make sure you understand the cost breakdown. Consider whether their pricing aligns with your budget and if they offer competitive rates for the services provided.
  • Communication and Responsiveness: Evaluate their communication practices and responsiveness. A reliable printing and mailing partner should be accessible, proactive in providing updates, and responsive to your inquiries or concerns.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Assess whether the company can accommodate your current and future mailing needs. Consider their capacity to handle increasing volumes, adapt to changes in requirements, and offer flexible solutions.
  • Quality Control and Assurance: Inquire about the company’s quality control processes to ensure accurate printing, proper assembly, and precise addressing. A commitment to quality ensures that your mailings are professional and error-free.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Discuss and establish clear service level agreements with the potential printing and mailing partner. SLAs define expectations, turnaround times, error rates, and other performance indicators to ensure accountability.
  • Compatibility with Existing Systems: If you have existing systems or software for data management, check if the printing and mailing company can seamlessly integrate with them. Compatibility enhances efficiency and reduces manual data handling.
  • Sustainability Practices: Consider the company’s commitment to sustainable practices. Inquire about their use of eco-friendly materials, recycling initiatives, and energy-efficient processes. Partnering with an environmentally conscious company aligns with your business’s sustainability goals.
  • Contracts and Flexibility: Review the terms and conditions of the contract carefully. Ensure that it provides the necessary flexibility for your business, allowing for adjustments, scalability, and termination if required.
  • Visit the Facility: Whenever possible, visit the printing and mailing company’s facility. This provides an opportunity to see their operations firsthand, assess their equipment, and meet their team.
  • Trust Your Gut Feeling: Trust your instincts when selecting a printing and mailing partner. Choose a company that demonstrates professionalism, reliability, and a genuine interest in understanding and meeting your business needs.

Don’t Forget Disaster Recovery Plans!

Most printing and mailing companies understand the importance of disaster recovery and contingency plans in ensuring uninterrupted operations and mitigating risks. Be sure to inquire about your printing and mailing company’s approach to disaster recovery and contingency plans:

  1. Robust Infrastructure: Printing and mailing companies invest in robust infrastructure, including redundant systems and backup mechanisms, to minimize the impact of potential disruptions. This may involve redundant power sources, backup servers, and offsite data storage to ensure data integrity and accessibility.
  2. Business Continuity Measures: Reliable printing and mailing companies have comprehensive business continuity plans in place. These plans outline procedures for maintaining critical operations, identifying alternative production facilities, and securing resources to minimize downtime during unforeseen events.
  3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Printing and mailing companies conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities and develop strategies to mitigate risks. This may include conducting regular equipment maintenance, implementing fire prevention measures, and having appropriate insurance coverage.
  4. Contingency Communication: Printing and mailing companies understand the importance of clear and timely communication during disruptive events. They establish communication channels to keep clients informed about any potential disruptions, provide updates on recovery progress, and offer alternative solutions to minimize the impact on mailings.
  5. Offsite Data Backup: To protect critical customer data, reputable printing and mailing companies often maintain offsite backups of client databases, ensuring that data can be quickly restored in the event of a system failure or data loss. This helps safeguard sensitive information and maintain the integrity of customer databases.
  6. Staff Training: Printing and mailing companies prioritize staff training and education on disaster recovery and contingency procedures. Employees are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to respond effectively during emergencies, ensuring that operations can resume promptly and smoothly.
  7. Testing and Evaluation: Printing and mailing companies regularly test their disaster recovery and contingency plans to identify any gaps or areas for improvement. This may involve conducting mock drills, reviewing response protocols, and updating plans based on lessons learned from past incidents.

Open communication and a clear understanding of your provider’s capabilities in managing and recovering from disruptions will help ensure a successful partnership.

What To Look For

When choosing a printing and mailing house, companies typically consider several factors to ensure they find the right partner for their needs. Here are some key aspects that companies look for:

Quality and Expertise: Companies seek a printing and mailing house with a proven track record of delivering high-quality printed materials and accurate mailing services. They look for expertise in various printing techniques, such as offset printing, digital printing, variable data printing, and specialized finishes.

Printing Capabilities: Companies assess the printing house’s capabilities in terms of equipment, technology, and production capacity. They want to ensure that the printing house can handle their specific requirements, whether it’s large-scale print runs, customized printing, or complex designs.

Mailing Services: Companies evaluate the mailing house’s range of services, including mail preparation, addressing, sorting, and postage optimization. They look for expertise in postal regulations, automated mailing processes, and options for tracking and delivery confirmation.

Efficiency and Turnaround Time: Companies prioritize working with a printing and mailing house that can meet their deadlines and provide quick turnaround times. Fast and efficient production, as well as reliable mailing processes, are crucial for time-sensitive projects and campaigns.

Cost-effectiveness: Companies consider the pricing structure and overall cost-effectiveness of the printing and mailing house. They seek competitive rates that align with their budget while ensuring that the quality and service meet their expectations.

Data Security and Privacy: Companies value the security and confidentiality of their customer data and mailing lists. They look for a printing and mailing house with robust data protection measures, adherence to privacy regulations, and a demonstrated commitment to safeguarding sensitive information.

Customization and Personalization: Companies increasingly seek personalized and targeted communication. They look for a printing and mailing house that offers variable data printing capabilities, allowing them to customize each printed piece with individualized content for improved customer engagement.

Technology Integration: Companies appreciate printing and mailing houses that can seamlessly integrate with their existing systems and technologies. This includes compatibility with data management software, e-commerce platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and other relevant tools.

Customer Service and Support: Companies value strong customer support and responsive communication from their printing and mailing partner. They seek a reliable and accessible point of contact for inquiries, updates, and issue resolution throughout the printing and mailing process.

Sustainability Practices: Companies are increasingly conscious of environmental sustainability. They look for printing and mailing houses that prioritize eco-friendly practices, such as using recycled paper, implementing efficient energy consumption, and offering sustainable mailing options.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the benefits of outsourcing printing and mailing services?

A: Outsourcing printing and mailing services offers several benefits, including cost savings, access to specialized expertise and equipment, improved efficiency, scalability to handle varying volumes, and the ability to focus on core business activities.

Q: How can a printing and mailing company help improve the accuracy of mailings?

A: Printing and mailing companies employ various quality control measures to enhance accuracy, such as address verification, mail-piece tracking, proofreading, and automated document assembly. These processes help minimize errors and ensure that the correct documents are delivered to the intended recipients.

Q: What are the advantages of using variable data printing for personalized mailings?

A: Variable data printing allows for personalized content on each mail piece, such as customer names, addresses, and tailored messaging. The advantages include higher response rates, improved customer engagement, enhanced brand perception, and the ability to deliver targeted and relevant communications.

Q: Can a printing and mailing company assist with compliance in regulated industries?

A: Yes, reputable printing and mailing companies understand the compliance requirements of regulated industries like healthcare and finance. They have systems and processes in place to handle sensitive data securely, comply with privacy regulations, and offer additional safeguards to protect confidential information.

Q: How can a printing and mailing company help reduce postage costs?

A: Printing and mailing companies can provide guidance on postage optimization strategies. This may include presorting mail to qualify for USPS discounts, selecting the most cost-effective mailing options, and utilizing bulk mail rates for large volumes. These measures can significantly reduce postage expenses.

Q: What options are available for electronic document delivery in conjunction with physical mailings?

A: Many printing and mailing companies offer electronic document presentment as an additional service. This allows businesses to deliver bills, statements, and other documents electronically, providing customers with the option to receive them via email or access them through secure online portals.

Q: How does a printing and mailing company handle returned mail?

A: A reliable printing and mailing company will have a process in place for managing returned mail. They can update customer databases with new addresses, remove invalid entries, and provide reports on undeliverable mail. Effective return mail management helps maintain accurate mailing lists and minimize future delivery issues.

Q: What security measures should a printing and mailing company have in place?

A: A trustworthy printing and mailing company should have physical and digital security measures to protect customer data. This may include restricted access to facilities, encryption for digital files, secure data transmission protocols, employee training on data privacy, and adherence to industry best practices.

Q: Can a printing and mailing company handle large-scale or time-sensitive mailings?

A: Yes, reputable printing and mailing companies have the infrastructure, equipment, and expertise to handle large volumes of mailings efficiently. They can also accommodate time-sensitive mailings and work within tight deadlines to ensure timely delivery.

Q: How can a printing and mailing company help with brand consistency?

A: Printing and mailing companies can assist in maintaining brand consistency by offering customization options, ensuring accurate logo placement, using consistent color palettes, and adhering to brand guidelines for all printed materials. This helps reinforce brand identity and enhances customer recognition.


Selecting the right printing and mailing partner is crucial for the success of your business’s communication efforts. By considering factors such as experience, technology, security, customer support, and pricing transparency, you can make an informed decision. Remember, a reliable partner will not only meet your printing and mailing requirements but also contribute to the efficiency, accuracy, and brand reputation of your business. Take the time to evaluate your options and choose a company that aligns with your goals and values for a fruitful partnership.